"Trust no one, except yourself, express yourself"


Andai Masih Ada Rindu


Dan hati ini tidak mampu menidakkan rasa cinta, Cinta yang semakin mendalami diri dan jiwa,Ku tak bisa memejamkan rasa,Saat ia nyata makin membara,Membelah setiap pancaindera dan deria,Hingga aku lemas dalam kemelutnya.

Andai penantian ini ada jawapannya,Pujuklah hati ini untuk setia dijalan yang KAU redha,Hadirkan ketenangan agar tidak terkandas dalam kabus cinta,Berikan pedoman agar rindu itu berpada-pada,Iringilah Maluku berserta iman di dada,Agar rasa kasih ini tidak mencalarkan maruah diri yang dijaga.
Tapi jika qada' dan qadar itu mengatakan sebaliknya,Kurniai aku kekuatan untuk melaluinya,Palingkanlah cinta ini untuk yang selayaknya,Kerana aku insan yang tiada daya,Maka bantulah aku melupakannya,Jika itu takdirNYA..
Andai masih ada rindu,Kupohon hilangkanlah ia dari hatiku,Kerana ketidakpastian itu mengganggu,Perasaan ini mengecewakan insan yang menunggu,Aku tidak rela terusan terbelenggu,Dalam pencarian permata berharga milikMU..



Love Just The Way You Are, Muslimah

Damn, I miss it...The time when you looked so beautiful,When, the cover you wear was long enough,When, your words were carefully spoken,When, your dress was so modest,While in the real arena you were such a ferocious lioness, a real mujahidah,

I love that time, I love you just the way you are.

Damn, I miss it...When you are not trying to look beautiful, you are,When you quickly put your cover down when the winds blew it hard,When you take another route just to avoid the opposite group,I miss to see that calm sweet face,I miss it when your face saddened by the reminders of God,

And I love you just the way you are.

Damn, I miss it...When I tried to steal a look at your face,I see tears rolling out with your hands up, praying,When you deviate the gorgeous grey eyes away the moment yours met mine,When you take no single glance at me when we pass by each other,I love the way you talk to me, such composure and grace,I love when your heart was so fragile to the Holy Words,

I love that time, I love you just the way you are.

But now, I don't know what I am feeling,The love is starting to fade, or what?Jealous? Dissapointment? Hope?I don't know...

It hurts me a lot, it's silently killing me inside.

Every single time I saw you in that apparel,Every single time I saw you mingle freely without boundaries with the opposites,Every single moment I saw that words coming from your precious lips,Please, this is not the girl who I'd known before,

But still, remnants of my love are still there, I'm sure!

I really want you to be my company in this perilous journey,I really want you to be at my side, sharing love and care,I really want you to be the mother of my children,I really want you to be my guidance to His Love,Even death cannot do us apart, because we will reunited in God's Glorious Gardens.

But girl, please! I really love you just the way you are at that time,The time when you looked so beautiful,When I saw you at that time,There's not a thing that I would change,Cause' you are amazing, just the way you are,The way of a Muslimah.


Heyyyyyyyyyyy people! Have u watch this Kung Fu Panda 2?!
Damn it! Go & watch it now! It's awesomeeeeee!!
Romance, sweet, funny, sad.. it's in there!!

Alaaaaa comey nye dier.... hehehehe..
hey panda gebu!!
this panda, remind me of u.. kah3..



12 signs your falling in love

12. You'll read his/her texts over and over again...

11. You'll walk really really slow while you're with him/her...
10. You'll pretend 2 be shy whenever you're with him/her...
9. While thinking bout him/her...your heart will beat faster and faster...
8. By listening to his/her voice...you'll smile for no reason.
7. While looking at him/her..you cant see the other people around you...you can only see that person...
6. You'll start listening to SLOW songs.
5. He/She becomes all you think about
4. You'll get high just by their smell...
3. You'll realize that you're always smiling to yourself when you think about them..
2. You'll do anything for him/her...
1. While reading this, there was one person on your mind the whole time.....

Dear Girls

*Don't assume that guys won't care where you are, because we do.
It makes us feel secure to know that our girlfriends aren't off flirting with guys we've never heard of.

*Also, don't talk about your ex-boyfriends.
We never have, nor ever will respect or like them, nor do we want to hear about them.
When you do, you're asking your boyfriend to be jealous.
You're asking your boyfriend to lose trust.

*On that, don't hump everything that walks into the room.
We don't care if you talk to other guys.
We don't care if you're friends with other guys.
But when you're sitting next to us, and some random guy walks into the room and you jump up and tackle him, without even introducing us, yeah, it pisses us off.
It doesn't help if you sit there and talk to him for ten minutes without even acknowledging the fact that we're still there.

*Also, when we tell you you're pretty/ beautiful/ gorgeous/ cute/ stunning, we freaking mean it.
Don't tell us we're wrong.
We'll stop trying to convince you.
The sexiest thing about a girl is confidence.
Yeah, you can quote me.

*Don't be mad when we hold the door open.
Smile and say "thank you."
Let us pay for you.
Don't "feel bad."
We enjoy doing it.
It's expected.
Smile and say - everybody together now - "thank you."

*Kiss us when no one's watching.
If you kiss us when you know nobody's looking we'll be more impressed.

*You don't have to get dressed up for us.
If we're going out with you in the first place, you don't have to feel the need to wear the shortest skirt you have, put on every kind of makeup you own.
We like you for WHO you are and not WHAT you are.

*Don't flirt with guys when we're not around.
We'll find out. Trust us.
We have eyes everywhere.
And when we find out, we're pissed.
Not necessarily with the guys you flirted with, more-so with you.

*Don't take everything we say seriously.
Sarcasm is a beautiful thing. See the beauty in it.
Don't get angry easily.
Stop using magazines/media as your bible.

*Don't talk about how hot Tom Cruise or Brad Pitt is in front of us.
It's boring, and we don't care.
You have girlfriends for that.

*Whatever happened to the word "handsome"?
Why does everything have to be "hot/sexy"?
I'd be utterly stunned by a girl who greeted me with "Hey handsome!" instead of "Hey baby/ stud/ cutie/ sexy" or whatever else you can think of.
Claiming girls or guys to be "hot" shows immaturity.

**Girls, I cannot stress this enough: if you aren't being treated right by a guy, don't wait for him to change.
Ditch his sorry, disgrace-to-the-male-population ass, and find someone who will treat you with utter respect.
Someone who will honor your morals.
Someone who will make you smile when you're at your lowest.

apa khabar jodoh ku?

Apa khabar jodohku?

Berat rasanya kelopak mataku untuk tertutup. Bagaimana dengan kamu?

Apa kamu selalu terbangun di sepertiga malam terakhir? .. dan apakah mulutmu terus menerus berzikir dimalam hari?

Jujur aku rindu kamu, wahai jodohku..

Tapi saat ini belum saatnya untuk kita bertemu, bukannya aku tak mahu, atau aku tak rindu. Tapi sememangnya kerana perjalanan kita masih panjang, dan masih banyak kewajipan yang harus kita penuhi saban waktu.


khamis, 28 April 2011, 6.53am, atas katil.
#nowplaying Berhenti Berharap- Sheila On 7

sye rindu kt awk tau tak? mesti awk tak rindu kt kite kan? takpe wak, kite tak paksa pun awk nak rindu kt kite. wak pekaba? kite tak sihat la arini. sbb tu kite duduk rumah jer arini & ade masa nak tuliskan sesuatu utk awk. kite batuk2, selsema tak sudah2 dari semalam. mungkin lepas kite bawak motosikal dlm hujan semalam terus jadi begini. mesti awk tak tau kan yg kite sensitif kalau kena hujan, kite terus selsema,demam & .. takpe wak. kite tak paksa awk nak tau apa yg jdi kat kite. wak, kite nak awak tau, sejak pertama kali kite pandang mata awak, dlm diam rupanya kite dh jatuh hati kt awk. tpi kite buat tak tau jer sbb kite tau org mcm kite ni bukan ciri2 lelaki yg awk impikan. masa tu, dah 4 taun berlalu.. skrg dah nak masuk taun ke 5 kite knl awak tak rase pulak kan masa berlalu pantas? pejam celik dah nak 5 taun.. awk tau tak? hari2 yg kite lalui tiap hari bahagia sangat bile dpt tgk & jmpa awk. smua ni awk takkan perasan sbb time tu awk tak knl sgt kt kite. takpe wak, kite kawal perasaan kite time tu. & kite tak pernah pun luahkan perasaan kite kat org or kwn awk yg kite dah betul2 jatuh hati kat awak. hati kite tetap kuat utk kawal perasaan tu. kite pun phm, perjalanan hidup kite lagi jauh. byk benda lagi kite perlu harungi. masing2 punya cita2. & kite pun tau, yg tak mudah utk awk terima org mcm kite. lebih baik kite elak dari awl dripada trus bertepuk sbelah tgn. hari2 kite terus berlalu cam biasa. hati tetap tabah bersabar tanpa menghiraukan smua tu. tapi wak, kite nak awk tau, pernah satu hari air mata kite mengalir tanpa diduga lepas kite dpt tau yg awak dh ada org yg punya. mulut menjadi bisu, & ada rasa sedikit kecewa. wak, cuma tuhan je yg tau perasaan kite msa tu. kite masih ingt lagi, time tu genap 4 taun kite knl. sedih nye hati kite tak terungkap dgn kata2. takde sape pun yg tau masa tu kite tgh bersedih. masa terus berlalu. kite cuba nak lupakan awak. tak guna kite terus simpan perasaan ni. kite dah bertekad nak buang segala perasaan kite kat awak yg kita pendam selama 4 taun tu jauh2. tak guna lagi kalau kite terus berharap. wak kite harap awak senang & gembira selalu di samping ... huh. tpi wak, kite kalah!! kite lemah & kite tak dapat nak lupakan awak camtu je. smakin hari kite nak lupakan awk, smakin bertambah rindu pulak rasanya. maaf wak. ingat tak lagi bile buku novel awak hilang, dalam diam kite beli kan buku baru utk awk? & time kite bgi awak buku tu, awk senyum & cakap terima kasih kt kite. kite rasa bahagia sangat time tu walaupun hakikat nya awk dah di miliki org. takpe, tak salah kite nak tlg awak kan. niat kite baik & ikhlas nak tlg awak. tapi kenapa wak, selang beberapa bulan tahun ke 4 dulu, kite dgr hubungan awk & dia sedikit renggang. kite pun tak tau knapa pulak bleh jadi camtu & kite taknak tau jugak sbb tu hal awk ngn dia takkan kite nak busy body pulak. & selang beberapa hari lepas tu, kite dapat tau yg awk & dia dah takde apa2 hubungan lagi. wak, sabar keh? mungkin ada hikmah disebalik apa yg telah blaku kat awak. wak, ini last dari kite.. kite tau, kite masih ada peluang nak curi hati awk. tapi kite takut awk takdapat terima kite lepas apa yg dah jdi kt awk.. & tak mudah utk awk lupakan kekasih lama awk tu kan. mungkin ini cuma mimpi bagi awk, tapi ini realiti bagi kite. takpa wak. kite sentiasa berdoa dalam solat supaya hati awk terbuka suatu hari kelak. kite bagi awk masa. hm sedar tak sedar dah nak 3 jam kite tulis benda ni jer. lagu pun, lagu yg sama jer kite dga. ok lah wak. kite nak ke klinik lepas ni. nanti kite ceritakan lagi k apa yg tersirat lam hati kite ni. byk benda yg perlu awak tau. last.. kite nak awk tau yg
kite akan tggu awak.

HELLO 2011!!


Assalammualaikum pembuka kata.
YaAllah. Lamak lalu dah sik update blog. Sorry sweetheart! Bukan bermaksud aku sik sayang kau gik. Masa yg mendesak aku utk berjauhan dgn kau. Sorry. Maybe lepas tok, aku akan lebih aktif gik mengupdate blog. InsyaAllah mun sik da halangan. ;)

To all followers, sorrrrrrrrrrrrrrrryy! Since last year blog aku sik terupdate. Terbengkalai camya jak. Actually, mmg ada niat aku mok update. TAPI! kah3. Ya laa. Student. Form 5 juak gik. SPM SPM! so, harap korang followers faham k situasi aku sbagai student nektok. Ok? ;)
Emmmmm actually, byk benda yg aku mok share ngn korang. Kalau aku mok crita semua pun, sik abis sehari mok naip. Aku pun ada kerja lain yg mok d polah. Ada masa free skejap, aku curi2 la update blog. ehehe.

Orite peeps!! Kalau ada masa update, aku akan update crita2 aku okay?
Love all!